Hi there, welcome to my website.
A little bit about me and what I offer as a freelancer.
Quite simply, I am a freelancer integrating many different ideas, disciplines and skills to create one meaningful and relevant experience for users.
I believe a product, a service and an experience are more successful when each discipline works in harmony - one unit, one interaction, one connection
I join the dots, joining different stages through product creation, service and experience, making them all work together seamlessly.
Working in agencies for 10+ years starting off a project manager to now a UX consultant, I understand the full-service requirements of a digital project that I factor in when I am working on the UX. This experience has helped me understand the broader picture of what is needed for the consumer when the product is live.
I can provide UX research such as usability testing to Wireframing
View my processBridging the gap between human and digital experience
Simplifying the user journey to the end goal
Communicating information for an engaging interaction
How I can work for you
Part of your team
Working as part of your team to deliver a project, product or service.
View UX processUse my KREWE
Have a product in mind? With expertise in UX, design, build and testing, KREWE can deliver for you.
Background and skills
I have worked in integrated agencies for over 10 years, managing and delivering projects on and offline. Working in a digital department has allowed me to deliver bespoke websites, micro-sites and ideas to support clients with their annual strategies. Implementing UX across all websites creates the building blocks for design, successful build and flow to user experience.
View my portfolio- Sketch
- InVision
- Balsamiq
- Vectorworks
- ScreenFlow
Who knew I liked…
I love a good
Scary Movie

I'm a dab hand at

I don't want to be right, if this is wrong…
Chips & Ice Cream!